New Construction

Any time a new service is added to a Public Water System

Plumbing Work that requires a permit.

When there is plumbing work that requires a permit and involves a major modification (i.e., a material improvement, correction, or addition) to the private water distribution system. The “private water system” refers to the facilities on the owner’s side of the meter.

Certain Non-Permitted  Plumbing Modifications

When certain household modifications are being made that do not require a permit but that nevertheless require a customer service inspection. Examples of these kinds of modifications include the remodeling or expansion of plumbing or water-using devices, a customer request for the installation of a larger meter, the drilling of a private well, or the installation of a rainwater harvesting system 

Where a Cross-connection is suspected

When the water supplier believes that a cross-connection or other potential contamination hazard exists. In such a case, the water supplier must provide written justification to the customer for requiring an inspection by specifically identifying the threat that is believed to exist.

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